Thursday, November 20, 2008

2008 Christmas Carol

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


请放开自己, 好让自己有机会爱别人。

如果真诚是一种伤害, 我选择谎言;
如果谎言一种伤害, 我选择沉默;
如果沉默是一种伤害, 我选择离开。

如果失去是苦,你怕不怕付出 ,

Monday, November 10, 2008


Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


今早醒了之后,就躺在那胡思乱想。。。某件事困扰着我。迷迷糊糊就赖床到日上三竿。。。唉,好迷惑!这么会这样呢?怎么办呢? 好奇怪的感觉。。。

Saturday, November 1, 2008


海盗。。。似乎离我蛮遥远的,除了玩过海盗船,看过Pirates of the Caribbean之外,我以为他们是不存在的, 但是最近看了几篇新闻后,原来现代的海盗还蛮猖狂的。。。

At first, I thought they only existed in ancient time, where people were poor and forced to become pirates to earn a living. Surprisingly, nowadays pirates are so active in Somali area and have hijacked many ships passing by. It seems that the ship's crews can do nothing when hijacked by pirates...except surrender and wait for the company to pay ransom to those pirates. Pathetic...

According to the IMB, 77 ships have been attacked off Somalia since January, 31 were hijacked while 10 are still being held for ransom. Pirates are holding about 200 crew members.

Pirates are rife and well organised in the area where Somalia's northeastern tip juts into the Indian Ocean, preying on a key maritime route leading to the Suez Canal through which an estimated 30 percent of the world's oil transits.

The pirates operate high-powered speedboats and are heavily armed, sometimes holding ships for weeks until they are released for large ransoms paid by governments or owners.

These news drew my attention because recently, I taught some students who are the future seafarers. Seafarer... a high-paid job but not my choice of career. I’ll definitely suffer if I was a seafarer…on the sea for few months…no entertainment, no Internet, no drama, no shopping…I think I’ll be bored to death.

Anyway, I wish all the best to u people…hopefully you won’t have any chance to deal with the pirates. God bless always… 一帆风顺。。。

Monday, October 27, 2008


1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'

2. You are at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl.
One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, 'He's very rich. Marry him!'

3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number.
The next day, you call her and say, 'Hi, I am very rich. Marry me!'

4. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You get up and straighten your tie. You walk up to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her. You pick up her bag after she drops it.
You offer her a ride and you say, 'By the way, I am very rich. Will you marry me?'

5. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
She walks up to you and says, 'You are very rich. Can you marry me?'

6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You walk up to her and say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'
She gives you a nice hard slap on your face.

7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You walk up to her and say, I am very rich. Marry me!'
And she introduces you to her husband.

8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You walk up to her and before you can say anything, another person comes along and tells her, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'

9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You walk up to her and before you can say anything, another person comes along and tells her, 'I am very rich. Marry me!' And she follows him.

10. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You walk up to her and before you can say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!', YOUR WIFE TURNS UP!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

J & G

小妮子最近似乎有一点性情大变。。。 Jojo 出生至今已有两个星期多,也许众人的焦点总是在Jojo的身上,所以她有点吃醋了。小小年纪的她,也吃起弟弟的干醋。。。大概女人天生都爱吃醋吧!把悲愤化成食量,食量惊人。。。令我这个姨姨也甘拜下风。今天的晚餐就吃了她妈妈的面线,接着又吃了一碗饭,然后看到我们打包炒米粉和果条,也来一起大吃朵颐。。。看到她的大胃口,还蛮讶异的。。。哭笑不得。

Jojo - 酣睡中。。。ZZZ

Jojo - 玩乐中。。。Yeah yeah !

Friday, October 17, 2008


理性与感性之间的平衡点在哪里?总是理性地思考,理性地分析事情,忘了问问我的心究竟是什么感觉。。。也许压抑太久了,有些麻木。。。有时也想任性地做些自己想要做的事情。 原来我也是个任性的家伙。 有时候,想抛开一切,背着包包去流浪,可是又怕吃苦,真是一个矛盾的人。。。哈哈!

人生没有十全十美的选择,也没有绝对的对与错。。。活在当下是不是比较好呢? 有时候,事情愈想愈复杂。。。别考虑太多,活着也简单些,快乐些。


Friday, October 10, 2008

【人生】 仇人與恩人

* 給辛苦的上班族分享!! 很有意思的管理故事

大學剛畢業的時候,某電視公司請我去主持個特別節目, 那節目的導播看我文章不錯,又要我兼編劇。 可是當節目做完,領酬勞的時候,導播不但不給我編劇費, 還扣我一半的主持費。他把收據交給我說: 『你簽收一千六,但我只能給你八百,因為節目透支了。』 我當時沒吭聲,照簽了,心想"君子報仇,十年不晚。"

後來那導播又找我,我還照樣幫他做了幾次。 最後一次,他沒扣我錢,變得對我很客氣,因為那時我被電視公司的新聞部看上, 一下子成為了電視記者兼新聞主播。 我們後來常在公司遇到,他每次笑得都有點尷尬。我曾經想去告他一狀,可是正如高中那位同學所說, 沒有他我能有今天嗎? 如果我當初不忍下一口氣,又能繼續獲得主持的機會嗎? 機會是他給的,他是我的貴人,他已經知錯,我何必去報復呢?

後來我到了美國留學。有一天,一位已經就業的同學對我抱怨他的美國老闆"吃"他, 不但給他很少的薪水,而且故意拖延他的綠卡 (美國居留權)申請。我當時對他說: 『這麼壞的老闆,不做也罷。但你豈能白幹了這麼久, 總要多學一點,再跳槽,所以你要偷偷學。』 他聽了我的話,不但每天加班,留下來背那些商業文書的寫法。 甚至連怎麼修理影印機,都跟在工人旁邊記筆記, 以便有一天自己出去創業,能夠省點修理費。 隔了半年,我問他是不是打算跳槽了?他居然一笑:『不用!我的老闆現在對我刮目相看,又升官,又加薪, 而且綠卡也馬上下來了,老闆還問我為什麼態度一百八十度轉變, 變得那麼積極呢?』他心裏的不平不見了,他作了『報復』,只是換了一種方法, 而且他自我檢討,當年其實是他自己不努力。

大概前五年吧!我遇到個有意思的事。 一位老友突然猛學算命,由生辰八字、紫薇斗數、姓名學到占星術, 沒一樣不研究。 他學算命,當然不是覺得算命靈驗,而是想證明算命是騙人的東西。 原因是有一位非常著名的大師為他算命,算他活不到四十七, 他發誓,非打爛那大師的招牌不可。你猜怎樣?他愈學愈怕,因為他發現自己算自己,也確實活不長。

這時候,他改了,他跑去做慈善,說:『反正活不久了,好好運用剩下的歲月,做點有意義的事。』 他很積極地投入,人人都說他變了, 由一個焦躁勢利的小人,變成敦厚慈愛的君子。 不知不覺,他過了四十七、過了四十八,而今已經五十三,紅光滿面、生氣勃勃,比誰都活利健康。 「你可以去砸那大師的招牌了!」 我有一天開他玩笑。 他眼一亮,回問我:『為什麼?』 又笑笑:『要不是那人警告我,照我以前的個性, 確實四十七歲非犯心臟病不可,他沒有不準啊!』

各位年輕朋友! 你總是心有不平嗎? 你有"此仇不報非君子"的憤恨嗎? 一點心得 - 你要知道,"敵人、仇人" 都可以"激發"你的 "潛能",成為你的"貴人"。許多怨仇、不平,其實問題都出在你自己。這世間最好的『報復』,就是運用那股不平之氣, 使自己邁向成功,以那成功和"成功之後的胸懷", 對待你當年的敵人,且把敵人變成朋友。


1. 遇到你真的愛的人時, 要努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會! 因為當他離去時,一切都來不及了!

2. 遇到可相信的朋友時, 要好好和他相處下去。 因為在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易!

3. 遇到人生中的貴人時,要記得好好感激。 因為他是你人生的轉折點!

4. 遇到曾經愛過的人,記得微笑向他感激。 因為他是讓你更懂愛的人!

5. 遇到曾經恨過的人時,要微笑向他打招呼。 因為他讓你更加堅強!

6. 遇到曾經背叛你的人時,要跟他好好聊一聊。 因為若不是他,今天你不會懂這世界!

7. 遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時,要祝他幸福唷! 因為你喜歡他時,不是希望他幸福快樂嗎?

8. 遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時,要謝謝他走過你的人生。因為他是你精采回憶的一部分!

9. 遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時,要趁現在解清誤會。 因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚!

10. 遇到現在和相伴一生的人,要百分百感謝他愛你。 因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛。

A LOVE Story

He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to being polite, she promised.

They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought, please, let me go home.... suddenly he asked the waiter. 'would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee.'

Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously; why you have this hobby? He replied: 'when I was a little boy, I was living near the sea, I like playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there'. While saying that tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched...

That's his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home. Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story. They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful. He was such a good person but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story , the princess married to the prince, then they were living the happy life...And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee e, as she knew that's the way he liked it.

After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said: 'My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole life lie. This was the only lie I said to you---the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. I never thought that could be the start of our communication! I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything...

Now I'm dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don't like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life! Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for the second time, still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee again'.

Her tears made the letter totally wet. Someday, someone asked her: what's the taste of salty coffee? It's sweet. She replied.

Love is not 2 forget but 2 forgive, not 2 see but 2 understand, not 2 hear but 2 listen, not 2 let go but 2 HOLD ON !!!! Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love.

Find one, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.

Who calls you back when you hang up on him.

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.

Who holds your hand in front of his friends.

Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.

Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, '...that's her.'

Saturday, September 13, 2008






因为爱著你的爱 因为梦著你的梦
所以悲伤著你的悲伤 幸福著你的幸福
因为路过你的路 因为苦过你的苦
所以快乐著你的快乐 追逐著你的追逐
因为誓言不敢听 因为承诺不敢信
所以放心著你的沉默 去说服明天的命运
没有风雨躲得过 没有坎坷不必走
所以安心的牵你的手 不去想该不该回头
也许牵了手的手 前生不一定好走
也许有了伴的路 今生还要更忙碌
所以牵了手的手 来生还要一起走
所以有了伴的路 没有岁月可回头

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Blogging again

Phew...finally a bit free to write something. Last month was indeed a busy seemed that everyday got a lot of things to do and never can finish it on time. Still got a lot of marking works that not yet done...fainted. *o*

Looking forward to the end of this month already :D ...Holiday.. I love holiday...yeah!

Last month was indeed a shocking month...I queued twice to pump the petrol...waited for a long long time. It was a new experience to me...never think before that =.= , helping my mum to do some shopping, buy this and that just in case all the items increase in price...sweating...

Went to post office to get cash rebate crowded and run out of form...fainted. Heard that got robbers with guns that started to rob in Sibu...shocked. Another shocking news in the staff meeting...I just felt that my head was giddy all over the month, cannot function properly... :D

Yesterday was the last day of June, another shocking news -a 60+ years old man sodomized a 20+ years old man, possible? If vice versa, then I might believe... The world is longer the peaceful world that we live 10 years ago... maybe we're another Indonesia in the making *-*

Thursday, June 5, 2008


这一天终于来了,虽然之前已经听到这个消息,但是还是觉得很震撼,有一点无奈,有一点无助。。。我们终于踏进了高价石油时代 --〉 一公升RM2.70。。。新一轮的涨价又要开始了!米价一再涨价,虽然各方面都说我们有足够的米,但是为什么一直涨呢?上个月买RM33 (十公斤),上个周末买RM47 (同样的米),可能下个月要买六十多了。

昨晚,听到消息后,匆匆忙忙去添油,大排长龙。。。等了半个钟头左右。在等待的过程中,思考着这个问题。。。为什么会涨价呢 (涨40%)?我们可是石油输出国,照理说我们应该从国际原油的飚涨中受惠才对,现时又没有战争,也没有经济风暴。。。就算1997年的经济风暴时,汽油也没有这么贵。减少汽油津贴,然后再给于RM625的津贴,真的比较合算吗??通货膨胀的压力下,省下的津贴也会缩水吧!感觉上好像是补了一个洞,可是同时也挖了另一个洞。。。


Tuesday, June 3, 2008




Is this my lucky number? Hmm...definitely not....actually a bit frustrated by this number. The story of 18A began like this...
Last night we had family dinner. After the dinner, my auntie asked me to help her to check the airlines website since she can't access it. When I checked the website, still got plenty seats and even got zero fare. So I informed her about that and then she asked me to book the air ticket for my cousin. I booked the ticket, need to book two trips (X to Y and Y to Z). The first booking was successfully done. However the second booking encountered some problems....I managed to get the zero fare and I even pre-selected the seat -> 18A. The payment procedure failed and some error messages displayed..."similar booking done before...please call our customer service centre to resolve the problem in order to avoid duplicate booking". Similar booking?? maybe the passenger's name is the same, but with different destination. So I called the customer service centre....engaged....wait for a few minutes....still engaged. I decided to call back after half an hour.
I called again...this time successfully contact the customer service staff...and she told me that the first booking was confirmed; the second booking not yet confirmed, need to book again. When I access the website again, no more zero fare...I need to pay RM109 for the flight. My goodness, within half an hour, I need to pay more...and the funny thing was that 18A (the seat that I chose before) was booked by other. Why I think it was funny...because there were more than 90 empty seats available and coincidentally someone booked the same seat. I called the customer service centre again to double confirm about the availability of zero fare...and the reply was "no more". I even asked the staff whether I can change the date of first trip...the reply was "No changes are allowed because the fare type is Super Saver. You can only forfeit your air ticket". No choice...I booked another seat with extra payment of RM109.
This morning I checked the airlines website again...quite free since today was holiday. To my astonishment, the zero fare is available again. ??? what's wrong??? Zero fare was sold out last night but available again this morning... am I dreaming?? I called the customer service centre again :D ...the staff told me that there was one more seat left for zero fare because customer that booked 18A had cancelled the booking. Hmm...18A again?? I told her about my booking...I doubt I am the one that booked 18A last night and the seat is not reallocate for booking after my payment failed...and I paid extra in fact I should be able to get the zero fare. But the staff told me that the seat was already reallocate for booking after my initial booking failed and the seat was booked by other.
When I think about the booking again, I just felt something wrong...Why the customer that booked 18A can cancel the booking? I was told that we cant cancel or change the itinerary if we buy Super Saver fare. Last night was not office hour, thus booking can be done through Internet or phone only. Normally if we make phone booking, we will not pre-select the seat since payment is not done yet. Another thing is that there are so many empty seats....the probability that 18A being booked and cancelled was quite low actually. So many coincidences happened at the same time...possible?
What is the truth? I dont know...I just felt that I'd been tricked by the reservation system...there are some loopholes in the system design. Although I am not the one that pay the air ticket, I felt sorry for my auntie *_*.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

#Spree 1

HELLOOOOO....Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm organizing a spree to buy skincare products from Korea (period: 20 - 30 May 08). Only limited to 5 items... if u want to buy any skincare products, then can join together so that we can get cheaper shipping cost. :)

1. taken
2. taken
3. taken
4. taken
5. taken

Hhmmm...what to buy? BB cream, mask, moisturizer etc.... can view this blog for more information. >> click here

Friday, May 9, 2008

My First BB Cream

Friday happy...finally got two days break. Thinking to write a review for my BB cream after using for 2 weeks. Well...where to start? Hmmm....just a brief intro:

Name: Skin79 Super+ Beblesh Balm Triple Functions

Function: Whitening, UV Protection SPF25++, Wrinkle improvement (certification from KFDA)

Manufacturer: Natural Science Therapy by Skin79 ISO9001 Certified Co. Ltd. , Korea

Texture: Light, easy to blend

Colour: Natural, match my skin tone

Coverage: Medium

Description (from the box):
It is 3 effects functional beblesh balm. By adenosine and arbutin ingredients which are effective in whitening, wrinkles improvement cultivate more bright and elastic skin.

Intercept ultraviolet rays UV A and B at the same time and protect your skin exposed from the sun more throughly.

Osmopur ingredient of new concept which are mixed sunflower, rice bran, ivy extracts protect skin from various harmful conditions.

Phyto Complex ingredient which is good for skin moisturizing and soothing makes your skin always moist and healthy.

This product has excellent cover function by composition of make-up base and foundation. It can correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally. At the same time by use of fine and soft texture porosity powder is excellent for your skin adhension and sebum control.

This is W/S Shape which is good for skin affinity and it makes your skin light, soft and dry all day without that skin gooey.

My review: This product is quite suitable for those who do not like make-up. It gives you a very natural look, can cover some reddish spots, medium pores and got nice scent. My face is used to be quite oily, nowadays less oily. It can even your skin tone, won't be too pale or dull. So far didnt cause any skin sensitivity (touch wood)....I cleansed it with cleansing oil daily. The only part that disappointed me is the coverage. The coverage is medium can't cover my large pores (got some due to acne problem). Maybe need to get pore minimizing serum....maybe get another BB cream with better coverage :D. Anyway, it is a good easy to be contented? Oh...ya, another thing to be happy with...its bottle is in pink colour (shining one), sweet colour, just like the teenage girl's stuff. Will try other BB cream and make comparison...difficult to find a skincare product that really suits you...testing and testing. Life is a testing process, you have to try everything, may face obstacles, failures, hopeless circumstance etc. , never know if you never try...ohh...think too far, out of topic (What a weird conclusion :D)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Britain's Got Talent

Britain's Got Talent is a UK singing competition, some sort like American Idol which provides platform for those gifted people to show their talent. Paul Potts, in his late 30s and works as a mobile phone salesman, amazed all the audience and judges with his talent in singing opera.

Before that he was teased by others that he won't got any chance to sing with his ordinary and gloomy look. However his love in singing gave him the motivation to learn opera. Even though he faced a string of health and financial problems before, he never gave up his dream. He spent eight years to prepare himself for the five-minute performance on the stage and he won the championship and applause from all the people. At the moment, he is having his concert series in the Europe and US.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
~Henry David Thoreau

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dogs and Cats

Since I told my niece about the "dogs & cats exhibition" last week, she kept remind me about the event everyday. So finally the day came...this morning we went to Delta Mall to see her "long-awaited" cats and dogs. Wow...there were so many people...we had to squeeze through the crowd to get a better view of the dogs and cat. Here were some photos that I took:

Nice? Simply gorgeous!

Hype of BB cream

Recently I came across a skincare cum cosmetic product called BB cream from newspaper. It was described as an “excellent” product. So good?? Out of curiosity, I googled about this item and found that it is really popular in Korea. Not only in Korea, but it is also a hot topic in the forums over HK, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.

Briefly intro this product -- B.B Cream (stands for Blemish Balm) is originally used on patients who underwent laser skin treatment. Its mild solution helps to protect and regenerate delicate skin. It becomes popular after the Korea actresses use it and promote it due to its superb result.

Since then, beauty brands in Korea have developed BB cream and made it more suitable for Asian skin. It claims to be 4-in-1: moisturizer + concealer + sunscreen + base. Among the most popular one are BRTC, Hanskin, Skin79 and Dr Jart. Other brands include The Skinfood, The Face Shop, Missha, Etude, Dodo Club etc.

I read through quite a number of articles and forums related to BB cream. Most of the users(>70%) gave good comments about this product – whitening, improve skin texture, look natural etc. However, there were a few users that gave negative comments about it – caused pimples, medium coverage, weak in oil control etc. It is recommended to clean the face properly (use make-up remover) because BB cream is not a skincare product, so must be cleansed before you sleep.

Tempted to try? Hmmm….so irresistible. There are so many brands for BB cream, which one suits you the most? Hard to say, whatever suit you might not suit me….the skin condition is different for everyone. Maybe read more to find out which one suits you the most before you buy.

Last but not least, BB cream gives you a natural look -- nude makeup like Korea actress and covers imperfection. However it is not a miracle cream, so don’t expect it to cover big pores and obvious pimple scars. Personally, I don’t like to apply too much skincare or cosmetic on the face, feel uneasy with it. I think it suits me, 4-in-1 – good for me….going to get one. :D

Friday, April 18, 2008





Friday, April 11, 2008

Pink Heart Tag

A sweet lady, Josephine, passed this cute pink heart tag to me.
Cut and paste the following starting here.
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially! The benefits of Viral Linking:- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!- Increase your Google PageRank fast- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site- Build your community- Make new friends!The Strategist Notebook, Link Addiction, Ardour of the Heart, When Life Becomes a Book, The Malaysian Life,, What goes under the sun,Roshidan’s Cyber Station, Sasha says, Arts of Physics, And the legend lives, My View, My Life, A Simple Life, Juliana RW, The Callalily Space, Petra Summer in Blue, Confessions of an Army Wife Bless’ Sanctuary Happy Life,, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric a brac de Cherie, Little Peanut, Pea in a Pod, The Creative In Me, Me and Mine, Pinay Mommy, Expressions from the Heart, TeacherJulie, Sweetbites by Bang, Paul, Toni and Lance - Bridging the Distance, Our Growing Family, The Uncensored life of me, My Untamed World, Something Purple, A Detour, Something Purple, Wifespeaks, Changing Lanes, Bits and Pieces, My Chocolate Coated Glasses, God's Gift, Through the Rain, My Small World, Hazel, Josephine, MooMooCow. Now I want to tag those who are listed in my blog links.

Monday, April 7, 2008

HE is pregnant

He looks like a man, sounds like a man, but he is not a 100% man...BECAUSE he is pregnant. Thomas Beatie claimed to be the first man that becomes pregnant and was interviewed during Oprah show. How could it be? *o*
Actually he is a transgender man (initially he was a woman, once the Miss Teen Hawaii USA finalist). Though he underwent surgery to switch genders, he kept his female reproductive organs. His wife Nancy is unable to conceive and that's the only reason he's going through with the pregnancy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Drove pass TM today and saw many TM staff standing at the roadside, holding posters to show their dissatisfaction. From the poster, it seems that TM plans to have staff retrenchment and their staff tried to protest about it. TM makes good profit every year, so why do they want to retrench? Dont know...didnt read any related news in the newspaper.
Anyway, I want to complain about the service of Streamyx... too slow these few days. It took me more than 10 hours just to download an episode... *-* Do u face the same problem?

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I got one week holiday...going where? Nowhere...just stay at home. Before, I planned to go travelling, but the plan aborted due to some problems. Sigh...too many look forward to my Dec holiday. Plan from now...hopefully everything works fine.
Anyway, my niece is very happy since I can play and entertain her everyday.


刘若英的新专辑《我很好》有一些我喜欢的歌,例如:我很好,落跑新娘,熊。。。 喜欢刘若英的歌,电影,电视连续剧和她的一切。也许她很平凡,喜欢她平凡中的不平凡。。。
淡淡的美,真诚的歌声,低调的性格,对工作的认真。当初在“粉红女郎”里饰演整天想要结婚的女人,也许这个角色有点丑化她,但是她认真地演活了戏里的角色。 也喜欢她之前的歌,例如:很爱很爱你,后来,一辈子的孤单,当爱在靠近等等。


早上,读了一篇社论,有感而发。。。槟州人民的和平请愿在一传十,十传百的情况下,竟谣传成人民暴动。巧合的是槟威大桥在那时段发生交通事故,严重阻塞,所以也谣传成槟威大桥因人民暴动而关闭。这个谣言传遍全马各地,造成人心惶惶,人人自危。 造谣者的心态是什么?不安的情绪,又或者是唯恐天下不乱的心态?加盐添醋地把事情严重化,引起别人心中的恐惧,煽动别人做一些自己想做却不敢做的事,反观之这些人却置身事外,隔岸观火。

在社群中,生活圈里和工作职场上,偶尔会遇到这样的事。星星之火可以燎原,一些小误会,猜疑和巧合,往往演变成大纠纷和误会。 所谓谣言止于智者,碰到这些事时,是否能客观地分析事情的前因后果呢?听信一面之词,人云亦云的群众似乎是比较多。。。

自己是属于前者还是后者呢?好像是综合体 ~ :P 在庸碌的生活里,偶尔停下脚步,听听心里的话,听听上帝想说的话。。。牡羊座的我,缺乏冷静的思维,容易冲动和紧张,有话直说,不知是好事还是坏事?不过,这就是我。。。

Friday, March 14, 2008

MSN Messenger Virus Threat

Warning!!! For all the users of MSN messenger, MSN messenger could be affected by unknown virus. I was chatting with my colleague last night, and she sent an unknown link to me (she didnt know about that). When I clicked on the link, a warning message showed that the link was a MS-DOS Application. I was wondering whether to run or save it, but I hesitated since most of the virus files are spread through exe format.

This morning, I asked her about that and she said that she experienced the same situation when she chatted with another friend. She didnt click on the link but obviously the virus already affected her MSN and spread to other contacts. Once it affected MSN, it could affect Hotmail also.

I'm not sure whether my MSN is affected or not...Busy, I'm busy to scan my computer and at the same time writing blog :D . I think I need to install some antivirus and antispyware; perform the scanning several times since every software has different strength. Sigh....still have not found out what is the virus and its solution, still dont know the power of that virus.

I will update all of u if I found its solution. Just beware when u are using MSN, dont click any unknown link and scan your computer from time to time.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


今年的三八妇女节也是第十二届的全国大选。各个投票站都蛮多人,交通阻塞。。。 好不容易才完成投票的任务。

这次的大选成绩真是始料未及,大跌眼镜。。。之前,大家都觉得可能会出现一些变化,但是没有人会预测是如此的局面-- 槟城,霹雳,吉打和雪兰莪的政权都一夕变天, 改朝换代。大家都觉得不可思议,震撼不已。。。



Monday, March 3, 2008



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Time Machine

Found something interesting on time machine...

Time travel could be a reality within just three months, Russian mathematicians have claimed. They believe an experiment nuclear scientists plan to carry out in underground tunnels in Geneva in May could create a rift in the fabric of the universe.

Scientists say that time travel could be a reality in just three months. The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) hopes its "atom-smashing" tests - which aim to recreate the conditions in the first billionth of a second after the "Big Bang'" created everything - will shed invaluable light on the origins of the universe.

But Irina Aref'eva and Igor Volovich, of Moscow's Steklov Mathematical Institute, say the energy produced by forcing tiny particles to collide at close to the speed of light could open the door to visitors from the future.

According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, any large amounts of matter or energy will distort the space and time that surrounds it. If the energy or mass is large enough, it is claimed that time can be distorted so much that it folds back on itself - creating a wormhole, or time tunnel, between the present and the future.

But Dr Brian Cox, a member of CERN and one of Britain's leading experts in particle physics, is highly sceptical about the Russian claims, calling them "nothing more than a good science fiction story".

However, Einstein's laws of physics suggest that time travel is only possible into the past as far as the point when the first time machine was invented.

Time machine, a dream or reality?

Unforgettable Travel Experience

Recently AirAsia and MAS have offered cheap tickets, and many tour agencies offer various attractive tour packages. Have you planned your holiday trip already? Talking about travelling, it reminds me about one of the unforgettable experience that happened in Hatyai many years ago.
A few years back, I went to Langkawi with my friends. From Langkawi, we took the local tour package to Hatyai...just the ground tour arrangement. We took ferry from Langkawi to Hatyai. After reaching the jetty, we were asked to sit in a special taxi that will send us to our hotel in Hatyai. The Thai taxi is very different from the taxi in our country, the taxi just like a small lorry with roof and wooden chairs at the back. More than 10 people just squeezed in that small "taxi", some tourists went to Phuket, some went to Hatyai. The journey took more than one hour...and we just squeezed like sardin fish. Then bad thing happened...started raining. The rain poured inside...helped us to wash our face. Luckily the rain was not too heavy.
When we reached the town area, we were so happy thinking that we will reach the hotel soon. But the nightmare started. The driver didnt know the actual location of our hotel. The driver sent other passengers to their hotels first. When we reached the last hotel, other passengers went down and my friend went to the toilet. We told the driver to wait for a while and we thought he understood that. But when other passengers took all their luggages, the driver drove away. We asked him to stop...but he couldnt understand what we said (in English). Oh friend was left behind without anything, no luggage and her purse was with me. that moment I truly can understand the situation where a chick tries to talk to a duck. Finally, the driver stopped and let us down in front of a shopping complex. He couldnt find the hotel and he also couldnt understand what we we took all our luggages and walked back to the hotel where my friend had been left. Luckily we still remembered the way back to that hotel. Thank friend was waiting for us in front of the hotel. After that, we took another taxi to our hotel. Despite that bad experience, we did enjoy the rest of the trip.
The lesson learnt : if you are not familiar with the language used in that country, better join tour or go with someone who can communicate in that language.


KLCI reached its highest (1500++ pts) in the history at the mid of January 2008. Everyone is so optimistic, thinking that our economy is improving. However, since the announcement of the dissolved of parliament, KLCI kept dropping...less than 10 days already dropped to 1370 pts. That's called volatility of the stock market. Do you like roller-coaster? If you do, then definitely you will enjoy the excitement of current market trend. US economy is facing recession, sooner or later the negative effects will spread to the world since US is the largest importer of the world. The only people that can make money now are those who have excellent TA skills or those insiders; otherwise better stay sideline.

The volatility of KLCI will affect investment tools like shares market, unit trusts, bonds, ASN, ASW, EPF, insurance (policy with equity investment) etc. The return of these tools will be lower this year as compared to last year. We have to experience once again the recession period just like 10 years ago *-*. I had closed my position in the investment...just thinking that this year is not a right time to do it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008



喜欢吃蛋糕吗?想不想亲手做蛋糕给情人,父母或朋友以聊表自己的心意呢?烘焙其实不是很难,照着食谱做,成功率蛮高的。如果失败了,也不要紧,失败是成功之母嘛!介绍大家一个网页,有1000道食谱,包括蛋糕,面包,饼干和西点等。最棒的地方是还有影音教学(video teaching),所以更清楚。
Delights of Baking :
(included in the LINKS corner)

Animation Movie
Recently, I had watched two animation movies together with my niece - "Bee Movie" and "Alvin and the Chipmunks". Both of them are good - entertaining and got moral values, suitable for kids. Actually I had watched most of the animation movies from Disney and Dreamworks, their movie products are really excellent.

At the beginning of "Bee Movie", there are a few sentences which I think quite meaningful:

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway.

Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

I like the last sentence...real cool! :D

Monday, February 11, 2008


The most exciting moment during CNY is 12 a.m. of the first day. Everyone stays up and waits for the midnight. When it is almost 11:45 p.m. , some people start playing the fireworks and firecrackers. You can hear the big bang here and there....



I had been sick during CNY...not very serious, a bit fever + running nose + sore throat...still can walk and talk, so still consider OK! I remembered two days before CNY, my nose got worse during the night. I woke up at night, breathless because both of my nostrils got stuck...cant function, so need to breathe like fish (using mouth temporarily). I tried all means to keep my nose warm, massage and rub it continuously, but in vain. Then I remembered God, so I pray to Him. After a while, my nose can breathe's a miracle. Thanks God for listening my prayer. Then I slept again z z z Z Z Z... :D

Friday, February 1, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008



对电脑一族, 眼睛容易干涩疲倦, 失眠后眼球红肿, 有黑眼圈的最佳酵素选择。

菊花(无硫磺) - 30g
宁夏枸杞皇(无硫磺) - 50g
柠檬 - 400g
Oligo 900 纯寡糖浆 –15 汤匙
椴树花蜜 - 250 g

(1) 将柠檬洗净后晒干,切片备用。
(2) 把材料分成3份。 顺序将枸杞,菊花,柠檬以层段的方式堆叠放入玻璃瓶内,淋上花蜜及纯寡糖浆。其余两份材料皆如此处理。
(3) 把3份的材料都放置好后,最后在食材上铺上一层花蜜及纯寡糖浆,然后密封。存放阴凉处约2个星期后即可饮用。


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Unique 独特

Men and women are different, they think and behave in different way. To be more specific, actually every human is different and unique.

你觉得别人很奇怪,别人也觉得你很奇怪。。。往往我们都觉得自己很正常,别人很奇怪。^o^ 别人不了解你的热情,你也猜不透别人的想法。。。你给的也许并不是别人想要的。其实,每个人都是独特的 -- 独特的思想,独特的性格,独特的行为。人与人之间的相处是一门学问,需要耐心+ 细心+信心。

My Ang Pow Collection

Chinese New Year is coming soon....11 days to go. Tired with spring cleaning, busy with shopping...the only thing that can cheer me up is the Ang Pow (red packet). I started my Ang Pow collection several years whenever I do shopping, I ask: "Tauke, any Ang Pow packet?"

I think it is a trend to collect Ang Pow in Sibu especially the auties group ^o^ . Most of the shops will use Ang Pow to attract customers (a popular and effective marketing strategy). The customers need to spend up to RM50, RM80 or even RM100 to get the Ang Pow packets. Last time, a packet has 10 pieces of Ang Pow; nowadays, a packet only has 3 or 5 pieces....worst is 1 piece only. You can get the Ang Pow from banks, restaurants, supermarkets, departmental stores, hotels, cinemas, skincare centres, boutiques, car service shops, petrol stations, insurance companies, securities firms, bakery, haircut shops, TCM centres, mobile phone shops, shoes shops, goldsmith shops, furniture shops etc. Haha...quite a lot.

Overall, there are several themes for this year e.g. rat / Mickey Mouse (Year of Rat in Chinese Calendar), Fuwa (Beijing Olympic 2008), flower, fish, chinese painting etc.

** Year of Rat **

** Flower (puzzle type) **

** Fuwa (Beijing Olympic 2008) **

For this year, CNY will be a bit different from previous one. My uncle (whole family) will come back and stay with us during CNY. It will be merrier...more people, more noise... ^-^

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You're a German Shepherd!

My result: German Shepherd
No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you — they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well. That focus and attention to detail spans from your personal to your professional life, too. Although you can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the projects you tackle, you still manage to keep cool and laid-back in social situations. You get a kick out of the little things and thrive when you're constantly busy and on-the-go. Easygoing and unpretentious, you don't need constant pampering and reassurance. A genuine, carefree pup, you're a true-blue friend, employee, and partner. Woof!
*Out of curiosity, I took the test and the result is German Shepherd...Actually, I'm scared of dogs...had been chased by a few big and fierce dogs before, that's why still scared of dogs until now.

Kindergarten Life

Recently, I got a new task – send my niece to her kindergarten in the morning. Previously, it was my brother-in-law’s job. How did it become my task? Because my niece said so…she wanted me to send her and she promised that she wont cry in the classroom.

Maybe after a long holiday break, she is lazy to go to school…that’s why she cries loudly every time she reaches her classroom especially when my brother-in-law sends her there.

Maybe this is the new semester and she was arranged to sit at the back, separated from her friends. That’s why she feels lonely and reluctant to go to school. Yesterday, she asked me to drive slowly on the way to her school…my goodness, I will be late (indeed, I was late yesterday). She walked slowly to her classroom, with tears in her eyes. But today, she performed better, she started talking to the boy that sits beside her, before she put down her bag and chair. (she is very talkative actually ^o^ ). His name is Jeremiah, but she calls him “Zho No Miah” (in Foochow).

I tried to recall my kindergarten time, hardly can remember anything…still remember my teacher, but forgot my classmates ^o^ .

Nowadays, the education standard is much higher as compared to my time. Last time, I remembered we just study alphabets and some basic words during kindergarten time, more play than study. But the situation is different now – they have to learn the languages (Malay, English and Chinese), science, maths and moral. For example, the other day I saw my niece writing something like this: 不说谎,承认错误,并且改过。 I just wonder whether a 5-year-old kid can understand the meaning of the phrase…I just knew 天 地 人 水 火 土 when I was five. ^o^

Friday, January 18, 2008

Cotton Cheese Cake

Chinese New Year is coming soon, so start thinking about the cakes and cookies. In the past, I used to make steamed layer cake and it really took a lot of time. You have to steam the cake layer by layer, so basically you need to stand beside the stove all the time, sweating in the hot kitchen, just like sauna. This year, I decided to make something easy - bake a cotton cheese cake. It is not very sweet and cheesy; easy to prepare and nice to eat. At least, my family members like it, so no need to worry much about it. If they dont like the cake, I have to be the SMC garbage collector and finish all, that's why I always put on weight after CNY. ^o^

If you're interested, you can try it...

250g softened cream cheese
50g softened butter/margarine
100ml whipping cream/Neslay reduced cream
100ml fresh milk

100g low protein flour
6 egg yolks

6 egg whites
half tsp cream of tartar
100g castor sugar

1) Melt ingredient A and then let it cool.

2) Ingredient C: Whisk egg white until foamy, then add in cream of tartar and whisk on the highest speed. Then add in the sugar gradually and whisk until soft peaks form when lifted up.

3) After ingredient A is cool, add in egg yolk one by one. After that, fold in the flours and mix well.

4) Mix the mixture with ingredient C.

5) Prepare a 8” round cake pan. Lightly grease and line the bottom and sides with greaseproof paper. Pour the mixture into the cake pan.

6) Preheat the oven. Pour some water into the roasting pan.

7) Bake the cake for 30 minutes at 170 C or until it turns to golden brown colour.

8) Leave the cake inside the oven (cooling purpose) for 1 hour.

9) Take it out of oven and turn cake out of cake pan. The cake is ready for serving or you can wrap it with aluminium foil and put into the fridge.

Do not make it too early before CNY because cream cheese can't last long. It looks similar to this (got the picture from Internet because I hadnt made it yet):

Thursday, January 17, 2008

MacBook Air

The world’s thinnest notebook – MacBook Air, a new product from Apple. It’s priced at $1,799 and will be available soon. The laptop is powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo chip running at 1.6GHz, 2GB of 667MH DDR2 SDRAM , 80 GB of hard disk, 13.3 inch LED widescreen display, backlit keyboard and a built-in webcam. These features really sound attractive to laptop owners.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Frog Again...

Another news about the frog...Two men barbecued a giant frog (or toad) and ate the meat together with its eggs. After that, they were poisoned - one died, one was hospitalized. It was believed that the eggs were poisonous actually. So never ever eat anything that are strange.
Some people like to eat something different e.g. snakes, worms, fried cockroaches, cats, monkeys, rabbits etc. I heard before that some restaurants even put an alive animal on the table and cut its head, let the customers eat the fresh brain. disgusting...want to vomit when imaging the scene.
Ok...end of story for the frog.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Amazing Frog

Ever seen a frog that rides a toy motorcycle? Very cool... ^o^
Its name is Oui - a frog that stays in the Eastern Thai beach, town of Pattaya, Thailand. Its owner says that it loves playing with toys and posing for photographs. posing for photographs, just like model. Sometimes, Oui could give the correct number for gambling bet, and many people come to watch its show. Its owner even needs to move to somewhere else to avoid the crowd. Really an amazing frog...Gambate!

(Picture source: Reuters)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Special Bread Toaster

Creativity is a way to cherish our life. Just found a funny stuff - a bread toaster, very special can write message on the writing pad on the toaster.

After that, put in your bread and toast... and the final product looks like this:

Cute? I think all the messages will be hammered into the head... ^o^

Thursday, January 3, 2008


This New Year started with a big bang…our politician involved in the sex scandal. He admitted it openly in a press conference. He expected the society to accept his apology and forget about this. Well, sorry…the society gave a negative response, thus he resigned all the posts held. When he was asked what was the lesson learnt in this incident, he said: "I used to go to the same hotel and same room due to convenience. It was a mistake." He even advised others not to repeat the same mistake. What an advice! Last time, there was a famous movie star involved in the sex scandal as well. He said: "I made a mistake that all men will make"… another funny excuse. People tend to rationalize their deeds.

Maybe the society put a high moral expectation on the politicians and celebrities. They may say: “Well, we’re human too and we make mistake like others, nothing special about this.” Personally, I think the politicians and celebrities have the responsibilities to behave themselves and set a good example to others. This is the price that you have to pay. If you want to be famous, then you have to sacrifice a bit of your privacy and behave yourself. If you think privacy is important, then just be a nobody and people will not be interested in you.

This incident made me wonder what is the value of faithfulness in a marriage? Maybe in this modern era, faithfulness is forgotten gradually…