Monday, April 7, 2008

HE is pregnant

He looks like a man, sounds like a man, but he is not a 100% man...BECAUSE he is pregnant. Thomas Beatie claimed to be the first man that becomes pregnant and was interviewed during Oprah show. How could it be? *o*
Actually he is a transgender man (initially he was a woman, once the Miss Teen Hawaii USA finalist). Though he underwent surgery to switch genders, he kept his female reproductive organs. His wife Nancy is unable to conceive and that's the only reason he's going through with the pregnancy.


Josephine said...

I saw that news also, really speechless of them. Just hope they are happy of what they did!.

BTW, u r being tagged with a Pink Heart Tag, have fun!

Flora said...

Really? How did I miss this headline? Must google the news....

YoghurtPudding said...

I just knew it when i read ur blog and google for "his" news. World has changed..