Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Drove pass TM today and saw many TM staff standing at the roadside, holding posters to show their dissatisfaction. From the poster, it seems that TM plans to have staff retrenchment and their staff tried to protest about it. TM makes good profit every year, so why do they want to retrench? Dont know...didnt read any related news in the newspaper.
Anyway, I want to complain about the service of Streamyx... too slow these few days. It took me more than 10 hours just to download an episode... *-* Do u face the same problem?

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I got one week holiday...going where? Nowhere...just stay at home. Before, I planned to go travelling, but the plan aborted due to some problems. Sigh...too many obstacles...so look forward to my Dec holiday. Plan from now...hopefully everything works fine.
Anyway, my niece is very happy since I can play and entertain her everyday.


刘若英的新专辑《我很好》有一些我喜欢的歌,例如:我很好,落跑新娘,熊。。。 喜欢刘若英的歌,电影,电视连续剧和她的一切。也许她很平凡,喜欢她平凡中的不平凡。。。
淡淡的美,真诚的歌声,低调的性格,对工作的认真。当初在“粉红女郎”里饰演整天想要结婚的女人,也许这个角色有点丑化她,但是她认真地演活了戏里的角色。 也喜欢她之前的歌,例如:很爱很爱你,后来,一辈子的孤单,当爱在靠近等等。


早上,读了一篇社论,有感而发。。。槟州人民的和平请愿在一传十,十传百的情况下,竟谣传成人民暴动。巧合的是槟威大桥在那时段发生交通事故,严重阻塞,所以也谣传成槟威大桥因人民暴动而关闭。这个谣言传遍全马各地,造成人心惶惶,人人自危。 造谣者的心态是什么?不安的情绪,又或者是唯恐天下不乱的心态?加盐添醋地把事情严重化,引起别人心中的恐惧,煽动别人做一些自己想做却不敢做的事,反观之这些人却置身事外,隔岸观火。

在社群中,生活圈里和工作职场上,偶尔会遇到这样的事。星星之火可以燎原,一些小误会,猜疑和巧合,往往演变成大纠纷和误会。 所谓谣言止于智者,碰到这些事时,是否能客观地分析事情的前因后果呢?听信一面之词,人云亦云的群众似乎是比较多。。。

自己是属于前者还是后者呢?好像是综合体 ~ :P 在庸碌的生活里,偶尔停下脚步,听听心里的话,听听上帝想说的话。。。牡羊座的我,缺乏冷静的思维,容易冲动和紧张,有话直说,不知是好事还是坏事?不过,这就是我。。。

Friday, March 14, 2008

MSN Messenger Virus Threat

Warning!!! For all the users of MSN messenger, MSN messenger could be affected by unknown virus. I was chatting with my colleague last night, and she sent an unknown link to me (she didnt know about that). When I clicked on the link, a warning message showed that the link was a MS-DOS Application. I was wondering whether to run or save it, but I hesitated since most of the virus files are spread through exe format.

This morning, I asked her about that and she said that she experienced the same situation when she chatted with another friend. She didnt click on the link but obviously the virus already affected her MSN and spread to other contacts. Once it affected MSN, it could affect Hotmail also.

I'm not sure whether my MSN is affected or not...Busy, I'm busy to scan my computer and at the same time writing blog :D . I think I need to install some antivirus and antispyware; perform the scanning several times since every software has different strength. Sigh....still have not found out what is the virus and its solution, still dont know the power of that virus.

I will update all of u if I found its solution. Just beware when u are using MSN, dont click any unknown link and scan your computer from time to time.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


今年的三八妇女节也是第十二届的全国大选。各个投票站都蛮多人,交通阻塞。。。 好不容易才完成投票的任务。

这次的大选成绩真是始料未及,大跌眼镜。。。之前,大家都觉得可能会出现一些变化,但是没有人会预测是如此的局面-- 槟城,霹雳,吉打和雪兰莪的政权都一夕变天, 改朝换代。大家都觉得不可思议,震撼不已。。。



Monday, March 3, 2008

