今年的三八妇女节也是第十二届的全国大选。各个投票站都蛮多人,交通阻塞。。。 好不容易才完成投票的任务。
这次的大选成绩真是始料未及,大跌眼镜。。。之前,大家都觉得可能会出现一些变化,但是没有人会预测是如此的局面-- 槟城,霹雳,吉打和雪兰莪的政权都一夕变天, 改朝换代。大家都觉得不可思议,震撼不已。。。
What decision have u made then??
needless to say.. I just wanna ask for the sake of it...
It is a shock though esp the one in penang... I guess Penang MP has become a sacrifice of the gov and manipulated by the citizens to voice their dissatisfaction..
in a way I pity him as he's not that bad as compare to some (u know i know lah) but yet I guess it's about time THE CITIZENS HAVE THEIR SAY!!
I will go back and vote provided 'someone' provide air ticket. To my dismay, I failt to get one due to some reason....In Miri, the last nite before election, my boyfren & I witnessed a 'chaos' created by SUPP during DAP (Fong Pau Teck)speech. The news was on See Hua Daily News.Walau... so HOT meh...One of the slogan of DAP here is 'Dont drink SOUP(SUPP) but eat PAU...' ha.. creative isnt it.
The State election will be very 'interesting' then...
I think many people were shocked with the election result. Before that, never thought that DAP could be the CM...NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE... still quite shocked that this could happen. That means I am quite weak in Malaysian Laws. :D
Anyway the new Penang government was established with new policies.
e.g. waive the hawker summons and parking summons before 11 March. Hmmm...I like this policy. All the Penang state government officers need to declare their assets. It sounds fair...
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