Tuesday, January 29, 2008



对电脑一族, 眼睛容易干涩疲倦, 失眠后眼球红肿, 有黑眼圈的最佳酵素选择。

菊花(无硫磺) - 30g
宁夏枸杞皇(无硫磺) - 50g
柠檬 - 400g
Oligo 900 纯寡糖浆 –15 汤匙
椴树花蜜 - 250 g

(1) 将柠檬洗净后晒干,切片备用。
(2) 把材料分成3份。 顺序将枸杞,菊花,柠檬以层段的方式堆叠放入玻璃瓶内,淋上花蜜及纯寡糖浆。其余两份材料皆如此处理。
(3) 把3份的材料都放置好后,最后在食材上铺上一层花蜜及纯寡糖浆,然后密封。存放阴凉处约2个星期后即可饮用。



YoghurtPudding said...

What is this actually? Mind to translate it to English? hehe...

violetclouds said...

菊花(无硫磺) - 30g
宁夏枸杞皇(无硫磺) - 50g
柠檬 - 400g
Oligo 900 纯寡糖浆 –15 汤匙
椴树花蜜 - 250 g

Hi, Just wonder where u can get the ingredients, i meant those without preservative and where can i buy oligo?

Moo Moo Cow said...

You can buy those ingredients from organic shop...and Oligo 900 from Everrise Kuching...I dont know can find from other supermarket or not. If you are in KL, then can buy the ingredients easily... a lot of organic shops there. This recipe was from the newspaper. Recently I went to Popular Bookstore and found the recipe book from the same author. There are quite a lot of recipes about enzyme. Actually enzyme is quite good for our body.

Cannot buy those ingredients from market, got preservative, and the outcome will not be good.