Thursday, December 13, 2007


I was awakened early this morning by my mum, saying that flooding everywhere, so no need to go to work. Hehe...she thought too much. My company will not be flooded since it is located at non-flooding area. The road outside the gate was flooded, but not too deep, still managed to drive through. To avoid those flooded roads, I just ignored the traffic rules and drove wherever I could. :D (not only me, most of the drivers did so)

I managed to reach the company, but after half an hour, the boss declared holiday....Flood Holiday since some staff couldnt come to work due to flood. So we went back happily...cant go anywhere because the town area is seriously flooded (I heard so...dont know the real situation, didnt receive the newspaper today).

It's evening now, the flood didnt seems that it's going to rain tonight. Oh no...I have to face the same situation again tomorrow :O. My brother is more pitiful, he needs to go to work even though the company area is flooding, walked through those dirty water... :X

1 comment:

YoghurtPudding said...

It's kind of getting better today. Flood subside a bit.